An electromyography (EMG) test is used as a diagnostic tool to assess the condition of muscles and their corresponding motor neurons. Many times these tests are useful in detecting nerve dysfunction and/or muscle disorders. At Resnick Electrodiagnostic Consultative Services, Dr.
Nerve Conduction Velocity Studies (NCV)
Are your patients experiencing numbness or tingling? Then you may want to recommend a nerve conduction velocity test. This test is used to diagnose neurological diseases or conditions such as carpal/tarsal tunnel syndrome, peripheral neuropathies, neuromuscular junction disorders and more.
Electrodiagnostics on Long Island
If your patients are experiencing numbness, tingling, or weakness in the spine or limbs, advanced electrodiagnostics on Long Island can determine what the cause is. Neurological conditions and diseases such as muscular dystrophy, radiculopathies from herniated disks, peripheral entrapment neuropathies