What is a VNG?

A videonystagmography, or VNG, is a test performed to help diagnose balance and motor-related disorders caused by inner ear, visual motor, and sensorimotor integration abnormalities. A pair of goggles are placed over the eyes and infrared cameras record eye movement. There are three main categories of VNG testing, all of which can be performed by our mobile diagnostics on Long Island:

  • Oculomotor tests: This VNG test is performed to examine the voluntary movements of the eyes. Abnormal results often indicate an abnormality of the cortex, brainstem, cerebellum, cranial nerves or individual eye muscle. Most individuals do not feel dizziness or nausea with this test.
  • Positioning and positional tests: By assessing the six semicircular canals and the central nervous system, these tests are conducted in a variety of positions to test for dizziness or vertigo. Depending on your symptoms, this test may cause a brief spell of dizziness.
  • Caloric/Water or Air test: This test examines the lateral canals and nerve pathways. Each ear is tested individually by placing warm or cool water/air in the ear for 30 seconds while wearing the VNG goggles.

What can a VNG test for?

If you believe you may be suffering from one of the following disorders, make an appointment with our mobile diagnostics on Long Island to schedule your VNG test:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): BPPV is a disorder characterized by frequent vertigo and dizzy spells triggered by specific head movements.
  • Vestibular neuritis: This disorder occurs due to inflammation of a nerve, usually due to infection. Vestibular neuritis results in dizziness and vertigo and often subsides with time.
  • Ménière’s disease (endolymphatic hydrops): This disease occurs due to the endolymphatic sac not effectively absorbing fluid. Resulting in hearing loss and dizziness, the symptoms of this disorder vary on a case to case basis.
  • Vascular dizziness: Various disorders can cause vascular dizziness. There are certain areas of the brain with nerve connections affecting balance. If these areas do not receive enough blood circulation due to vasospasm, emboli or dissection, dizziness and imbalance may occur.
  • Perilymphatic fistula: If the fluid of the inner ear leaks into other areas of the brain, dizziness and hearing loss may occur. Many cases of perilymphatic fistula resolve themselves, but some require minor surgery.
  • Bilateral vestibular loss: Attributed to autoimmune disease and medication side effects, some individuals lose vestibular function on both sides simultaneously.
  • Tumors: Depending on the location of a tumor, it may cause dizziness or imbalance. Benign or malignant tumors can have this effect. Surgery is the proper treatment for dizziness due to tumors.
  • A migraine: There are different categories of migraines, some of which are accompanied by frequent dizziness.

Overall, VNG testing takes around an hour and is a relatively short and noninvasive test. If you are experiencing dizziness or imbalance, consider a VNG. This short test can help diagnose your disorder and return your peace of mind.

Contact your local mobile diagnostics on Long Island and schedule your VNG test with us today!

VNG For Balance Disorders

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